Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Quinoa, Shaved Pear, & Sweet Soy Mustard Vinaigrette

Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Quinoa, Shaved Pear, & Sweet Soy Mustard Vinaigrette

Brussels Sprouts.  I have a love affair with brussels sprouts.  I spent years avoiding brussels sprouts not knowing what I was missing out on.  The problem lies in the way they are cooked.  Growing up I only ever saw them boiled.  Bleh!  Looking like soggy heads of lettuce, they never stood a chance.  But roast them and it is a totally different ball game. 

Brussels sprouts are an amazing food for your health.  These should be added to the list of vegetables to eat every week when in season.  Brussels sprouts are part of the cruciferous family along with broccoli and cauliflower.  These vegetables have certain antioxidants that have been shown to help prevent cancer.  And when cancer prevention tastes this good, who can say no?  Plus they are an excellent source of Vitamins A, C, and K.  So find a way to add this green vegetable into your routine.  Your body will thank you.


Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Quinoa, Shaved Pear, & Sweet Soy Mustard Vinaigrette



1/2 lb brussels sprouts, halved, remove outer leaves and stem

1/2 bell pepper, diced

1 tbsp coconut oil

1.5 cups cooked quinoa

1/2 pear, shredded with mandoline or cheese grater



1 tbsp organic tamari sauce

1 tbsp rice or white wine vinegar

1 tsp honey

2 tsp whole grain mustard

chili oil or hot sauce to taste


Preheat oven to 400 degrees.  Coat brussels sprouts and chopped peppers with coconut oil and spread out onto baking sheet.  I like to line the pan with parchment paper to make sure they don't stick.  Roast the veggies for 35-40 minutes flipping halfway.  When they are done, sprinkle them with coarse salt and cracked pepper.  Meanwhile stir shredded pear into the cooked quinoa.  Whisk together all the ingredients for the vinaigrette.  Add the roasted veggies to the quinoa and pour the dressing over.  Serve warm or cooled as a salad.
